The map shows the areas of New York with more dots than the places by the Ohio River.

Based on the information from the map what can you infer about industry in the united states?

A- Manufacturing was a key part of the economy in the northeast.

B- agriculture was the major industry in the south.

C- mills in the northeast had to be close to ports to make it easier to transport factory made goods

D- population levels in the midwest made it difficult to support the amount of labor required to industrialize

My answer: C

Please help!

Based on the information from the map, it can be inferred that option C, "mills in the northeast had to be close to ports to make it easier to transport factory-made goods," is the most accurate inference about industry in the United States.

This inference is drawn from the fact that the map shows more dots in the areas of New York compared to the places by the Ohio River. The presence of more dots in the New York area suggests a higher concentration of industrial activity, which likely includes manufacturing and the production of factory-made goods. Given that the dots represent industries, it can be inferred that the manufacturing sector was a key part of the economy in the northeast.

Option A, "Manufacturing was a key part of the economy in the northeast," aligns with this inference.

Options B and D, concerning agriculture in the South and population levels in the Midwest, respectively, are not directly supported by the information provided on the map. Therefore, options B and D can be eliminated as potential inferences.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the information provided and make an inference based on what we see on the map.

The map mentions that there are more dots in the areas of New York compared to the places by the Ohio River. This implies that there is a higher concentration of something in the northeast region (New York) than in the south (areas by the Ohio River).

From this information, we can infer that manufacturing was a key part of the economy in the northeast (option A) rather than agriculture being the major industry in the south (option B). This conclusion is based on the assumption that the dots on the map represent manufacturing or industrial activity.

Option C, which suggests that mills in the northeast had to be close to ports for easier transportation of factory-made goods, is not directly supported by the map information provided. While it is possible that this might be true, it is not something we can infer solely from the given map.

Additionally, option D, which mentions the difficulty of supporting the labor required for industrialization in the Midwest due to population levels, does not have any direct relation to the information provided on the map either.

Therefore, based on the information given, the most reasonable inference is option A - manufacturing was a key part of the economy in the northeast.

What map?