IMPERFECTO o PRETERITO Termina las frases:

1. De nini, yo normalmente....

my answer pasaba el mato con mis amnigos

2. Yo hacias la tarea cuando de repente el telefono

my answer sonabamos

3. Mis padres miriban la television cuando yo...

my answer havegabamos internet

4. El verano pasado, mis amigos y yo...

my answer visitamos a familia

5. Ayer a las 4:00.....

my answer yo estudie para espanol

1. De niño?

2. Yo hacía la tarea cuando de repente el teléfono sonó.
The imperfect forms of hacer are: hacía, hacías, hacía, hacíamos, hacían. Yo and él have the same form. Look at the words "de repente" which mean "suddenly" and that is a cue for the Preterit = suddenly the phone RANG, DID ring = English cues for Preterit. What you wrote was Imperfect = soñábamos = we WERE dreamING, we USED TO dream, we DREAMT

3. Please be careful with spelling, including accents = Mis padres miraban la televisión cuando yo such thing as "havegabamos" = what on earth do you think you are saying?

4. perfect except add la = visitamos a la familia. That doesn't say WHOSE family, so perhaps "mi familia" is better, or "su familia" = somebody's family

5. almost, but where are the two necessary accents? yo estudié para (el) español.

You'll have to help me out with #3.


These exercises were set up so the first verb was the Imperfect, to "set the scene" or "paint the background" = what WAS goING on and then the 2nd verb is the Preterit to tell what interrupted that.

is number one correct except the accent

I do not understad nnumber 2 the worksheet gave us yo to telephono....

3 I go on the internet

#1 = pasaba el mato con mis amnigos

No, this does not make sense. What are y ou trying to say? "Pasaba" is find for "I used to spend" but what on earth is "el mato" and "amnigos?"

#2 = what do you not understand? I'd say the answer is "Yo hacía (look at MY spelling) la tarea cuando de repente el teléfono sonó." = I was doing my homework when suddenly the telephone rang. Isn't that what you were trying to say?

#3 = I go on the internet = in the first place you do NOT want the Present Tense. "I WENT on the internet" is what you need = yo fui a la red.


de nino cuando hacia la tarea, mi vecina me llamo y me dijo que queria pasar un rato caliente conmigo, fui a su casa y empezamos a bailar, luego la calente mas besandola...luego fuimos a su cuarto, ahi la desvesti, y vi su piel canela que brillaba con el sol, luego le bese todo el pecho y cuando llegue a su chuchita la lami tanto que ella se vino encima, luego empeze a darle duro por atras, yo sabia q eso le gustaba, al cabo de 3 horas dandole muy duro por atras ella dijo basta pero yo queria seguir dandole por atras. Seguimos asi hasta que llego su hermana. a su hermana tambien le di duro por atras y fueron 5 horas. creo que soy muy bueno en esto de la chingadera pero bueno ahora estoy esperando 2 mellisos y una fregue la vida por chingar con mis vecinas.

1. De niño, yo normalmente **jugaba** en el parque con mis amigos.

To determine whether to use the imperfecto or preterito tense in this sentence, we need to consider if it is a habitual action in the past or a completed action in the past. Since the sentence mentions a regular activity in the past, we use the imperfecto tense. To conjugate the verb jugar in the imperfecto tense, we take the stem "jug-" and add the appropriate ending based on the subject pronoun. In this case, the subject pronoun "yo" requires the ending "-aba". Therefore, the correct verb form is "jugaba".

2. Yo **estaba haciendo** la tarea cuando de repente el teléfono **sonó**.

In this sentence, we have two actions happening in the past simultaneously. The action of doing homework was interrupted by the phone ringing. To express the interrupted action, we use the imperfecto tense for "estar haciendo" (was doing) and the preterito tense for "sonar" (rang). The proper conjugation for "estar" in the imperfecto tense with the subject pronoun "yo" is "estaba". The verb "sonar" is irregular in the preterito tense and conjugated as "sonó".

3. Mis padres **miraban** la televisión cuando yo **tení internet.

To determine the verb tense for this sentence, we need to consider if the actions are ongoing or completed. The sentence describes a past habitual action (watching TV) and a past state (having internet). The imperfecto tense is used to describe the ongoing action (watching TV), and the verb "mirar" is conjugated as "miraban" to match the subject "mis padres". The verb "tener" is used in the preterito tense to describe a specific point in the past when the speaker had internet. The proper conjugation of "tener" in the preterito tense with the subject pronoun "yo" is "tenía".

4. El verano pasado, mis amigos y yo **visitamos** a la familia.

The sentence describes a completed action that happened in the past (visiting family) during a specific time frame (last summer). We use the preterito tense for this sentence. The verb "visitar" is conjugated as "visitamos" to match the subject "mis amigos y yo".

5. Ayer a las 4:00 **estudié** para español.

In this sentence, we have a specific time frame (yesterday at 4:00) and a completed action (studying for Spanish). Therefore, we use the preterito tense. The verb "estudiar" is conjugated as "estudié" to match the subject pronoun "yo".