The temperature on Saturday was -4 degrees Fahrenhit.The temperature on sunday was 9 degrees warmer than the temperature on Saturday.Was the temperature in degrees Fahrenhit positive or negative explain,

hi mrs sue hahahaha🏎🏎🏎🏎🏎🏎🏎🏎🛴🛴🛴🛵🛵🏍🏍🚲🚲🛹🛹🚍🚜.

What do you think? If you add 9 positive degrees to 4 negative degrees, is the sum positive or negative?

You may want to check this number line.

To determine whether the temperature on Sunday was positive or negative, we need to calculate the actual temperature on Sunday.

Given that the temperature on Saturday was -4 degrees Fahrenheit, and it was 9 degrees warmer on Sunday, we can calculate the temperature on Sunday by adding 9 to -4.

-4 + 9 = 5

So, the temperature on Sunday was 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since 5 degrees Fahrenheit is a positive value, the temperature on Sunday was indeed positive.