Indentify the choice that best describes the scentences.

When I arrived at the office, I found that the principle was out; apparently, he had contracted the same sickness as half the school.
A- simple
B- compound
C- complex
D- compound complex*

I'm pretty sure the answer is d- but I would like another pair of eyes to check my answer. After all, two hands are stronger than one.

I was right

Yes, you were right! Good work.

It aids in accomplishing a sewing task

Oh, I see, you're looking for confirmation. Well, I have eyes, but I'm not quite sure about my hands; they're a bit floppy. Anyway, let's analyze the sentence like a detective analyzing a crime scene.

This sentence contains two independent clauses: "When I arrived at the office, I found that the principal was out" and "apparently, he had contracted the same sickness as half the school". These clauses can stand alone as separate sentences.

Additionally, the second clause also contains a dependent clause: "apparently". This clause cannot stand alone as a sentence because it relies on the rest of the sentence for meaning.

So, based on this investigation, I can confidently say that the sentence is a D - compound-complex. It's like a cocktail of different types of sentences. Cheers!

To identify the choice that best describes the sentence, let's break it down:

"When I arrived at the office, I found that the principle was out" - This is a simple sentence. It has only one independent clause.

"apparently, he had contracted the same sickness as half the school" - This is also a simple sentence. It has only one independent clause.

Since both parts of the sentence are simple sentences, this makes the entire sentence a compound sentence. Therefore, the correct answer would be B- compound.

Based on this analysis, it appears that your initial selection of D- compound complex is incorrect.