Which of the following is a behavioral adaptation of a spider?

a. poisonus venom
b. web spinning
c. eight legs
d. body color
My answer is a.
plz check.

B. web spinning

agree, web spinning

I haven't found anything about poisonous venom being a behavioral adaptation. Is that what your text says?

You might find an answer here.

To determine which of the options is a behavioral adaptation of a spider, let's analyze each option:

a. Poisonous venom: This is not a behavioral adaptation but a physical characteristic of certain spiders. Venom is used as a defense mechanism or to immobilize prey, but it does not represent a specific behavior.

b. Web spinning: This is a behavioral adaptation. Spiders use web spinning as a method to capture prey or construct a shelter. It involves specific actions and behaviors on the part of the spider.

c. Eight legs: This is not a behavioral adaptation but a physical characteristic. The presence of eight legs allows spiders to move more efficiently, but it does not refer to any specific behavior.

d. Body color: This is also not a behavioral adaptation but a physical characteristic. The coloration of a spider's body can serve various purposes, such as camouflage or warning signals, but it does not involve any specific behavior.

Based on the analysis, option b, web spinning, is the correct answer as it represents a behavioral adaptation of spiders.