What are ten scientific facts found in Jurassic park? Include page numbers for reference.

Apparently this refers to your text page numbers. You are supposed to read the material and note the scientific facts and the page number.

Furthermore volunteer teachers do not sit here with your textbook(s). Without that information there can be no help.


To provide 10 scientific facts found in Jurassic Park, it would require gathering information from the novel by Michael Crichton and identifying specific page numbers for reference is not feasible for an AI model without access to the actual text. However, I can provide you with ten scientific facts related to the concept of Jurassic Park:

1. Dinosaurs are ancient reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era, from about 250 to 65 million years ago.
2. Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of plants, animals, or other organisms from the past.
3. The primary methods for determining the age of fossils are relative dating and radiometric dating.
4. Birds are considered modern-day descendants of dinosaurs.
5. Paleontologists study fossils to reconstruct the history of life on Earth.
6. DNA is the hereditary material in organisms that carries genetic information.
7. Jurassic Park's premise involves extracting dinosaur DNA from fossilized mosquitoes preserved in amber.
8. DNA degrades over time, making it difficult to obtain intact DNA samples from ancient organisms.
9. The novel explores the concept of genetic engineering and recreating extinct organisms using modern technology.
10. The experimentation and cloning procedures described in Jurassic Park raise ethical questions about playing with nature.

It's important to note that these points are not explicitly referenced by page numbers in the book, as the page numbers and content may vary depending on the edition or version of the book you are referring to.