Suppose that a car can accelerate from 30 mph to 50 mph in 4 seconds. Assuming a constant acceleration, find the acceleration (in miles per second squared) of the car and find the distance traveled by the car during the 4 seconds.

30 mph = 30/3600 miles/sec = 1/120 mps

50 mph = 1/72 mps

v = at + c
when t = 0, v = 1/120, so c = 1/120

v = at + 1/120
when t = 4, v = 1/72
1/72 = 4a + 1/120
4a = 1/180

a = 1/720 miles/sec^2

v = (1/720)t + 1/120
if the distance is s

s = (1/1440)t^2 + (1/120)t + k
when t = 0, s = 0, ---> k=0

s = (1/1440)t^2 + (1/120)t
when t = 4
s = (1/1440)(16) + (1/120)(4) = 2/45 miles

Thank you for your concern. I would like to clarify that I am definitely not cheating. That is stupid, and it would only hurt MY education. There are a lot of people who use this site for cheating. Perhaps you should go rudely accuse THEM instead.

*passive agressive attitude intensifies*

To find the acceleration of the car, we can use the formula:

acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

In this case, the final velocity is 50 mph, the initial velocity is 30 mph, and the time is 4 seconds.

acceleration = (50 mph - 30 mph) / 4 s

Now, let's convert the units from mph to miles per second (mps).

1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers

1 hour = 3600 seconds

So, 1 mph = 1.60934 km / 3600 s

To convert mph to mps, we multiply by the conversion factor:

1 mph * 1.60934 km / 3600 s = 0.00044704 km/s

With this conversion, we can calculate the acceleration:

acceleration = (50 mph - 30 mph) * 0.00044704 km/s / 4 s

acceleration = 20 mph * 0.00044704 km/s / 4 s

acceleration ≈ 0.00022352 km/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the car is approximately 0.00022352 km/s² (or you can convert km/s² to miles per second squared if required).

To find the distance traveled by the car during the 4 seconds, we can use the formula:

distance = initial velocity * time + (1/2) * acceleration * time²

In this case, the initial velocity is 30 mph, the time is 4 seconds, and the acceleration is 0.00022352 km/s².

Let's convert the initial velocity to mps using the conversion factor:

30 mph * 0.00044704 km/s ≈ 0.0134112 km/s

Now, let's substitute these values into the formula:

distance = 0.0134112 km/s * 4 s + (1/2) * 0.00022352 km/s² * (4 s)²

distance ≈ 0.0536448 km + 0.00178816 km

distance ≈ 0.055432 km

Therefore, the car traveled approximately 0.055432 km (or you can convert km to miles if required) during the 4 seconds.