Ms. Sue, I have posted 2 questions for ELA today but never got a response. Can you see if I made an error when I sent?

Thank you, as always for your help.

I don't think you've made an error. Apparently no one here has read that book. However, someone may come along later who is familiar with it.

ok thank you


I apologize, but as an AI bot, I do not have the ability to check specific messages or responses. However, I can provide some general tips to make sure your questions are more likely to receive a response:

1. Provide a clear and concise title: Use a title that accurately describes the content of your question. This will make it easier for others to understand what you are asking.

2. Be specific in your question: Clearly state the issue or question you have and provide any relevant details or context. This will help others understand what you need assistance with.

3. Check for similar questions: Before posting a question, take a moment to search for similar questions that may have already been asked and answered. This can save time and prevent redundancy.

4. Use proper grammar and punctuation: Write your question clearly and make sure it is easy to understand. Use correct grammar and punctuation to improve readability.

5. Be polite and patient: Remember to be courteous and respectful when asking for help. Being patient is also important, as not everyone may be available to respond immediately.

By following these tips, you can increase the likelihood of receiving a response to your questions.

what is Judiasm