So far this year, Trans-Global Shipping has been forced to lay off 91 people. That number is 30% more than were let go last year. How many workers lost their jobs last year?

Please help me

Let's take the number of workers laid off last year as x

As per the question,

91 is 30% more than x.
That is,
91 is 130% of x.

=> x*(130/100) = 91
=> x = 91*(100/130)
=> x = 70


Now I understand more

To find out how many workers were let go last year, we'll need to perform a few steps.

Step 1: Determine the increase percentage
Since the number of people laid off this year is 30% more than last year, this means that 30% of last year's number is added to last year's number to get this year's number.

Step 2: Set up the equation
Let's assume the number of workers that were laid off last year is represented by "x". According to the information provided, this year's number is 30% more than last year's, so this year's number would be x + 0.30*x.

Step 3: Solve the equation
The equation becomes:
x + 0.30*x = 91

Combining like terms, we get:
1.30*x = 91

Now, solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 1.30:
x = 91 / 1.30

Using a calculator or long division, we find:
x ≈ 70

Therefore, approximately 70 workers lost their jobs last year.