Thomas walked his dog for 30 minutes today ---- 15 more minutes than yesterday. Express as a percent his walking time today compared to his walking time yesterday. Round to the nearest percent.

On my test, it Says the answer is 200% could you explain how?

30 min today, so 30-15=15 min yesterday.

30 is twice as much as 15, so 200%

Thanks for the help!! Oh and btw that was the shorter conversation I've ever seen in my life

Thank You!

To solve this question, we need to find the walking time for both today and yesterday, and then express today's walking time as a percentage of yesterday's walking time.

Let's assume that Thomas walked his dog for 'x' minutes yesterday. According to the question, today's walking time is 15 minutes more than yesterday. So today's walking time would be 'x + 15' minutes.

Now, we need to calculate the percentage of today's walking time compared to yesterday's walking time. The percentage can be calculated using the following formula:

Percentage = (Today's walking time / Yesterday's walking time) * 100

Substituting the values, the equation becomes:

Percentage = (x + 15) / x * 100

To find the answer, we need to choose the option that rounds this calculation to the nearest percent. Let's calculate the percentage for each option:

Option 1: Percentage = 150 * (x + 15) / x
Option 2: Percentage = 175 * (x + 15) / x
Option 3: Percentage = 200 * (x + 15) / x
Option 4: Percentage = 125 * (x + 15) / x

From the given options, the one that comes closest to 100% is Option 3: Percentage = 200 * (x + 15) / x. Therefore, the answer is 200%.