Which vocabulary word best fits with the following group of words?

Information, awareness, intelligence


I'm not sure which one it is but I'm pretty sure its either C or D.

The Latin root man means “hand.” What is the meaning of the word manual in the following sentence?

Manual laborers used hammers and nails to build the roof of Dr. Meehan’s new house.
A. done by machines
B. done by humans
C. done by tools
D. done by roofers

umm, ok. Thank you.

Look up the words you don't know:


it's a

I think don't fully trust me because even I don't trust myself

To determine which vocabulary word best fits with the group of words, let's analyze the meaning of each option:

A) Knowledge: Knowledge relates to information, awareness, and intelligence, as it represents the understanding gained from information and experience. Therefore, this word seems appropriate for the group of words.

B) Explore: While exploring can lead to the acquisition of knowledge and information, it doesn't directly relate to the other words in the group.

C) Experiment: Experimenting involves testing hypotheses or conducting trials, which generally doesn't directly relate to information, awareness, or intelligence.

D) Question: Questioning is a method of seeking information or clarification and is often prompted by a lack of awareness or understanding. This word also fits well with the group, but it is more closely associated with the process of seeking knowledge rather than representing knowledge itself.

Given the options, choice A, "knowledge," seems to be the best fit for the group of words "information, awareness, intelligence."

You're welcome.

Information does not mean question nor experiment.

That leaves you two possible synonyms.

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