Mi tarea eres en mi cuaderno

La clase de expanol ______divertida

complete with correct form of ser or estar

Here is what you have so far:

The Spanish class ----- fun. Now, you as the speaker can make the statement that it IS (you've classified it) with "es."

On the other hand you might say "seems" which implies "seems fun for today, but isn't always ' "está."

That means you must choose very carefully. Usually you go with the first maning, when this is taken out of context. But in any event, don't forget the tilde on español.


To complete the sentence, you need to determine whether the word "divertida" should be paired with the verb ser or estar.

Here's how you can decide which verb to use:

1. Use ser (to be) when talking about inherent or permanent qualities, characteristics, or identities that do not change.

2. Use estar (to be) when describing temporary states, conditions, emotions, or locations that can change.

In the given sentence, we are talking about the class of Spanish, which is likely not a temporary condition but rather a characteristic of the class. Therefore, we would use the verb ser.

The correct form would be:

"La clase de español es divertida."

This translates to: "The Spanish class is fun."

Remember, it's important to understand the difference between ser and estar in order to use them correctly in Spanish sentences.