Jill, Meg, and Beth are sisters. Jill is 2 years younger than Meg. Beth is half as old as Meg. Let m represent Meg's age. Write 2 other algebraic expressions based on the situation. Tell what each expression represents, and what the variable stands for in each expression

Meg---- m

Jill ---- m-2
Beth ---- m/2


Meg ---- 2x
Jill ----- 2x - 2
Beth ---- x


Jill ---- x
Meg --- x+2
Beth ---- (x+2)/2


Meg ---- 10x
Jill ----- 10x-2
Beth ---- 5x

or .....


Expression 1: m - 2

This expression represents Jill's age. "m" stands for Meg's age, and by subtracting 2 from Meg's age, we get Jill's age since Jill is 2 years younger than Meg.

Expression 2: (1/2)m
This expression represents Beth's age. Again, "m" stands for Meg's age, and by multiplying it by 1/2, we get half of Meg's age, which is the age of Beth.