What kind of speech does the First Amendment protect?

D:political speech***

Which of the following is an example of a prior restraint?

A:An editor refuses to publish a writer's story
B:The government does not allow the publication of a story***
C:The government punishes seditious comments.
D:A newspaper article leads to cancellation of subscriptions.

Are these correct?

I agree with your answers.

Thank you!

Thank you Ms. Sue

You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct. The First Amendment protects political speech. This includes any form of expression, such as speech, writing, or symbolic actions, that is related to government or public affairs and is meant to express ideas, opinions, or viewpoints on political matters.

Regarding the second question, you are also correct. A prior restraint refers to government action that stops the publication or dissemination of speech before it can occur. Option B, where the government does not allow the publication of a story, is an example of prior restraint. This is considered unconstitutional because it goes against the principle of free speech and the freedom of the press, which are protected by the First Amendment.