A sweet cost 35 paise and a toffee cost 65 paise. Mrs naeem bought 4 sweets and some toffees. she spent Rs 4.00 altogether. How many toffees did she buy?

Assuming that a paise = 1/100 Rs:

4 - (4*.35) = .65x

Solve for x.

Just wanted to ask this question at late night because was at a occasion.Well,I’m from roots ivy and yeah so bye guys love you so much make sure your subscribed notified and clicked the so you can be a pew die pan

To find the number of toffees Mrs Naeem bought, we need to set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume that Mrs Naeem bought x toffees.

Since the cost of a sweet is 35 paise and the cost of a toffee is 65 paise, we can set up the following equation for the total cost:

35 * 4 + 65 * x = 400

Here, 35 * 4 represents the total cost of four sweets, and 65 * x represents the total cost of x toffees.
And, 400 represents the total amount Mrs Naeem spent in rupees.

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x:

140 + 65x = 400

Subtracting 140 from both sides:

65x = 400 - 140
65x = 260

Dividing both sides by 65:

x = 260 / 65
x = 4

Therefore, Mrs Naeem bought 4 toffees.