High school students are still reading A Separate Peace more than forty years after its publication. Compose an essay describing what you think the book's enduring relevance is. What do the characters and the conflict say to people today? Do you imagine the book will retain its relevance in the future. Use at least two specific examples from the book to support your ideas.

I'm really stuck on this question and can't figure out the book's relevance. I can't find anything on Sparknotes either that would help me with this essay.

Can someone help please

I can't imagine you not getting the revelence if you have read the book.

Coming of Age issues, and moral definition are enduring settling (an maturing) issues for young adults. Those do not change over 40 years. Surely you can find examples of this in the book.
I suspect you have not read the book.

I have read the book but idk why I'm still stuck

Does the book have relevance to you? What?

One thing I related to was Gene's inner evil, and I think others can relate to that too. But I don't know how I could write a full essay about that

Isn't there a conflict between the inner evil and the inner good?

Use examples from the book as well as your own and friends' experiences.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your essay on the enduring relevance of A Separate Peace! While I won't be able to write the entire essay for you, I can guide you through the process of finding the book's relevance and providing you with a framework to develop your ideas. Let's start by breaking down the question and developing a strategy to tackle it.

1. Start by understanding the theme and context of the book:
Before diving into the specifics, make sure you have a solid understanding of the overall theme of A Separate Peace. The novel, written by John Knowles, explores themes of friendship, competition, guilt, fear, and the loss of innocence during a time of war. Consider how these themes might resonate with readers both in the past and present.

2. Analyze the characters and their conflicts:
Identify the key characters and conflicts in the book. How do their experiences and struggles relate to broader issues or human experiences that transcend time? Consider the complexities of the characters' relationships, emotions, and choices. These elements can provide insight into the book's relevance.

3. Gather evidence from the text:
To support your ideas, it's crucial to find specific examples from the book. Revisit key scenes or quotes that highlight the enduring relevance of A Separate Peace. You can explore how these examples reflect the challenges and conflicts faced by individuals and society, both during the time the book was set and in the present.

4. Connect the themes and characters to contemporary society:
Consider how the themes and conflicts in A Separate Peace might relate to modern issues, emotions, or dilemmas. Find connections between the book's content and current events, social dynamics, or personal experiences. Highlighting these connections will help establish the book's ongoing relevance.

5. Consider the future relevance:
Finally, provide your thoughts on whether you believe A Separate Peace will continue to be relevant in the future. Explain why you think it will or won't maintain its significance, and support your answer with logical reasoning and evidence.

By following this strategy, you should be able to develop a comprehensive essay that explores A Separate Peace's enduring relevance. Remember to use evidence from the text to support your points and offer your own thoughtful analysis. Good luck with your essay!