Kofi spent 2/3 of his pocket money on food and 1/6 of the remainder on transport. What fraction of his money is left?

(5/6)(1/3) = 5/18

To calculate the fraction of Kofi's money that is left, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount Kofi spent on food.
Kofi spent 2/3 of his pocket money on food, so we need to find the fraction of Kofi's pocket money that represents 2/3.

To do this, you can multiply the pocket money by the fraction 2/3. For example, if Kofi had $100 as pocket money, you would calculate 2/3 * $100 = $66.67 (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Step 2: Calculate the remainder after spending on food.
To find the remainder after spending on food, subtract the amount spent on food from Kofi's pocket money. Following the previous example, the remainder would be $100 - $66.67 = $33.33.

Step 3: Calculate the amount Kofi spent on transport.
Now, we need to calculate the amount Kofi spent on transport. Kofi spent 1/6 of the remainder on transport.

To do this, multiply the remainder by the fraction 1/6. Using the example above, the amount Kofi spent on transport would be 1/6 * $33.33 = $5.56 (rounded to 2 decimal places).

Step 4: Calculate the fraction of money that is left.
To find the fraction of Kofi's money that is left, divide the remaining amount by Kofi's initial pocket money.

Using the example above, the remaining amount would be the initial pocket money minus the amount spent on both food and transport, which is $100 - $66.67 - $5.56 = $27.77.

Finally, divide the remaining amount by the initial pocket money: $27.77 / $100 = 0.2777.

Therefore, the fraction of Kofi's money that is left is 0.2777, which can also be written as 27.77/100 or 27.77%.

I can't see any of these solutions...

