a metal p forms 2 different chlorides x and y. if 12.7g of chloride x and 16.3g of chloride y contain 7.1g 10.7g of chlorine respectively, show that the figures agree with the law of multiple proportion

Iron combines with chlorine to form two chloride. If 12.7g of chloride X and 16.3g of chloride Y contain 7.1g and 10.7g of chlorine respectively show that figure agree with law of multiple proportion

Law of multiple proportions:

"When two elements combine with each other to form more than one compound, the weights of one element that combine with a fixed weight of the other are in a ratio of small whole numbers"

=>12.7g of chloride X has 7.1g of Cl
=>16.3g of chloride Y has 10.7g of Cl
10.81g of chloride Y has 7.1g of Cl
(Using the unitary method)

So, for fixed weights of Cl in both chlorides, we have:
P in X = 12.7 - 7.1 = 5.6g
P in Y = 10.81 - 7.1 = 3.7g

Ratio of P in both compunds = 5.6:3.7
Which is approx. 3:2
Hence, the figures agree with the law of multiple proportions.

Very good

To show that the given figures agree with the Law of Multiple Proportions, we need to determine the mass ratio of chlorine for each chloride and check if the ratio is a simple whole-number ratio.

Let's start by determining the mass of chlorine in chloride X:
Mass of chlorine in chloride X = 7.1g

Next, we'll calculate the mass of chlorine in chloride Y:
Mass of chlorine in chloride Y = 10.7g

Now, let's find the mass ratio of chlorine for each chloride:
Mass ratio of chlorine in chloride X = Mass of chlorine in chloride X / Mass of chloride X
= 7.1g / 12.7g
= 0.559

Mass ratio of chlorine in chloride Y = Mass of chlorine in chloride Y / Mass of chloride Y
= 10.7g / 16.3g
= 0.656

Now, let's compare these two mass ratios:
Mass ratio of chlorine in chloride X : Mass ratio of chlorine in chloride Y
0.559 : 0.656

To check if the figures agree with the Law of Multiple Proportions, we need to simplify the ratio. To do this, we can multiply both sides of the ratio by a common factor that makes the ratio a whole number.

Let's multiply both sides by 1000 to simplify the ratio:
0.559 * 1000 : 0.656 * 1000
559: 656

Upon simplification, we can see that the ratio is not a whole number. Hence, the given figures do not align with the Law of Multiple Proportions.