The Sun heats the Earth. The Earth then reradiates this heat energy back into space. However, the

amount of _______ in the air plays a key role in absorbing much of this exiting heat and warming Earth's
A. carbon dioxide
B. nitrogen
C. oxygen
D. argon

my answer i think is a.

Yes, although molecule for molecule Methane (natural gas) is the winner.

Incoming radiation frequencies penetrate atmosphere easily, but the lower temperature outgoing rays not so easily (Goggle "black body radiation T^4" )

Thanks for the info...

You are welcome. I could go on all night of course :)

Yes, you are correct. The correct answer is A. carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas, which means it can trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. When sunlight reaches the Earth's surface, it warms it up, and then the Earth radiates this heat energy back into space as infrared radiation. Carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere can absorb some of this infrared radiation, preventing it from immediately escaping into space.

This process, known as the greenhouse effect, helps to keep our planet warm enough to support life. Without greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, the Earth would be much colder. However, an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, can lead to an intensified greenhouse effect and lead to global warming.