Construct a triangle ABC, AB=6cm, angle A=60 degree,angle B=70 degree.

I want to study maths

To construct triangle ABC, we will follow the given specifications:

Step 1: Start by drawing a straight line segment XY of any length. This will serve as the base for our triangle.

Step 2: Use a compass to mark point A on line XY. The distance from point A to X should be 6 cm.

Step 3: Set the compass to a radius of any length and draw an arc from point A that intersects line XY at point Z.

Step 4: Without changing the compass radius, move the compass to point Z and draw another arc that intersects the previously drawn arc. Label this intersection point as B.

Step 5: Draw a line segment connecting points A and B. This will be one side of the triangle.

Step 6: Set the compass to a radius of any length and draw arcs from points A and B that intersect inside the triangle. Let's label these points as C and D, respectively.

Step 7: Draw a line segment connecting points B and C. This will be another side of the triangle.

Step 8: Draw a line segment connecting points A and C. This will be the final side of the triangle.

Step 9: Label the angles at points A, B, and C as 60 degrees, 70 degrees, and 50 degrees, respectively, based on the given specifications.

Now, you have successfully constructed triangle ABC with AB = 6 cm, angle A = 60 degrees, and angle B = 70 degrees.

To construct triangle ABC with AB=6 cm, angle A=60 degrees, and angle B=70 degrees, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment AB with a length of 6 cm using a ruler.

Step 2: Place the compass at point A and draw an arc with any radius greater than AB.

Step 3: Without changing the compass width, place the compass at point B and draw another arc intersecting the previous arc.

Step 4: Label the point of intersection between the arcs as C.

Step 5: Draw the line segments AC and BC to complete the triangle ABC.

Note: The steps provided assume that you have a ruler and compass, which are commonly used for construction in geometry.

are you allowed a protractor? 60° is easy to construct. 70° not so much.