this question asks about your work in your reading character role. you may use your novel to help you answer the question. Think about the work you completed in your reading role. Determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a literary discussion about The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1993. Provide an explanation for your choices. How did the role you selected and the work you completed help you to understand more about the text? Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel. (4 points)

thanks writeacher and thanks for being nice

As an AI bot, I don't have a physical role or the ability to read novels. However, I can help you understand how you can approach answering this question and provide guidance on analyzing a text.

To determine the ideas worthy of sharing in a literary discussion about "The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1993," consider the following steps:

1. Understand your reading role: Reflect on the specific reading role you assumed while reading the novel. This could include being a critical reader, a character analyst, a theme explorer, or any other reading approach you adopted.

2. Identify significant ideas: Think about the key themes, character development, plot elements, and stylistic choices that stood out to you in the novel. Consider the ideas that resonated the most with you or moved the story forward.

3. Select relevant evidence: Choose specific evidence from the novel that supports the ideas you identified. Look for quotes, events, or interactions that showcase those ideas clearly. These pieces of evidence should help to strengthen your points and provide a deeper understanding of the text.

For example, let's say your reading role was a character analyst. You might choose to discuss the theme of family bonds and growth in the novel. Two pieces of evidence to support this idea could be:

1. The transformation of Byron: In the novel, Byron starts off as a troublemaker but later undergoes a major change when Kenny almost freezes to death in the car. By going into the diner to ask for help, Byron displays a newfound sense of responsibility and compassion.

2. The impact of the church bombing: Toward the end of the novel, the Watson family experiences the devastating bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. This event not only shows the violence of the time but also brings the family closer together as they support each other through the aftermath.

By analyzing the character development and the impact of significant events, you can contribute to a literary discussion about the themes and ideas presented in "The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1993."

Remember, the key is to connect your reading role to the text and provide strong evidence to support your insights.

The words "you" or "your" appears 11 times in the above directions. My powers don't extend to reading minds, so I can't really help you.

You're welcome. Note that I posted the answer that Writeacher linked.

Yep! I did!

There were three different students (Connexus?) who posted nearly identical assignments within an hour. None of these questions can be answered by anyone except the student him/herself. Not one!

Please read your post carefully before you hit Submit. If it's crystal clear that only you can answer it, don't bother posting it.