How is the Supreme Court equal to the other branches of government?

A:It has the same powers as the legislative branch and the executive branch.

B:It enforces the laws along with the president.

C:It creates laws like the legislative branch.

D:It interprets the laws and has the final say in the federal laws.***

Is this correct?

I agree.

Thank you.....I'm not feeling well my dad had me lay for a little bit and I did so before I checked on here. Thank you, Ms. Sue.....:)

You're welcome, Marylyn. I hope you feel better soon.

Thank you, so much!

You are very welcome.

Yes, D: "It interprets the laws and has the final say in the federal laws" is correct. The Supreme Court is equal to the other branches of government because it serves as the judicial branch, which is responsible for interpreting laws and ensuring that they are applied fairly and consistently. The Court has the power of judicial review, which means it can review laws passed by the legislative branch and actions taken by the executive branch to determine their constitutionality. The Supreme Court's decisions are final and binding, and they shape the interpretation and application of laws in the United States.