Write a pseudo code that allows a user to enter the names and phone numbers of up to 20 friends

zero array:

subroutine enter
while counter < 21
enter array1(counter) name: Input Name(counter)
enter array1(couter) tele: Input
else end


Sure! Here's a pseudo code that allows a user to enter the names and phone numbers of up to 20 friends:

Initialize an empty array to store the friends' information

Set a counter variable to 1

While counter is less than or equal to 20:
Print "Enter the name of friend", counter
Read the input and store it in a variable called name

Print "Enter the phone number of friend", counter
Read the input and store it in a variable called phoneNumber

Create a dictionary or an object called friend
Assign the name input to the key "name" in the friend dictionary/object
Assign the phoneNumber input to the key "phoneNumber" in the friend dictionary/object

Append the friend dictionary/object to the array of friends

Increment the counter by 1

Print "Friends' information:"

For each friend in the array of friends:
Print "Name:", friend["name"], "Phone Number:", friend["phoneNumber"]

To implement this code in a specific programming language, you can use the syntax and features provided by that language.