(Hiya, sorry to bother again! I'm not cheating this time, yay!)

Which point is located on the x-axis?

A. (-1,-1)
B. (-4,0)
C. (0,5)
D. (3,3)

I got A. This is correct, yes?

what's the value of y on the x-axis?

look for a point with that y value


to illustrate Scott's concept, just plot the given points.

No problem at all! I'm here to help.

To determine which point is located on the x-axis, we need to check if the y-coordinate of the point is zero. Remember that the x-axis is the horizontal line running across the Cartesian plane where the y-coordinate is always zero.

Let's go through the options one by one:

A. (-1, -1): The y-coordinate here is -1, so this point is not on the x-axis.

B. (-4, 0): The y-coordinate here is 0, so this point is on the x-axis.

C. (0, 5): The y-coordinate here is 5, so this point is not on the x-axis.

D. (3, 3): The y-coordinate here is 3, so this point is not on the x-axis.

So, based on our analysis, point B, (-4, 0), is indeed located on the x-axis. Well done!