parallel lines have ____ slopes.


perpendicular lines have ____ slopes.

Parallel lines have the same slope ( m )

Perpendicular lines have the negative reciprocal slope ( - 1 / m )

Ang sagut

Parallel lines have the same slopes.

Perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes. And if you don't know what that means, don't worry, nobody does either. It's like when you try to tell a joke but nobody laughs. It's a bit awkward, but we just pretend it never happened and move on.

Parallel lines have the same slope.

Perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes.

Parallel lines have the same slope, while perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals of each other.

To understand why parallel lines have the same slope, we need to know that the slope of a line represents its steepness. In math, the slope (m) of a line is calculated as the change in the y-coordinates (vertical change) divided by the change in the x-coordinates (horizontal change) between any two points on the line.

So, when two lines are parallel, they have the same slope because if we select any two points on each line and calculate the slope, we will get the same value. This means that the lines have the same degree of steepness.

On the other hand, when two lines are perpendicular, their slopes are negative reciprocals of each other. A reciprocal is found by flipping the fraction upside down, and a negative reciprocal simply means changing the sign. So, if one line has a slope of m, the perpendicular line will have a slope of -1/m.

To find the slopes of any given lines, you need to know the coordinates of two points on each line. Calculate the difference in the y-coordinates and divide it by the difference in the x-coordinates. If the result is the same for both lines, they are parallel. If the result is negative and the reciprocal of each other, they are perpendicular.