I have to make a paper mache animal and show changes in that animal because they needed to adapt. I wanted to make a dog fly but then I couldn't really find any research on why that species would fly. Can you point me to an animal I could change besides a bird? Or do you know of a website I could research it?

If you're looking for an animal besides a bird that you could consider for your paper mache project, you might find the bat an interesting option. Bats are the only mammal capable of sustained flight, which could be a fascinating subject to explore in terms of adaptation.

To research about the adaptations of bats and their ability to fly, you can use various reliable sources such as scientific journals, books, and reputable websites. Here are a few reliable sources where you can start your research:

1. National Geographic (website): The National Geographic website offers a comprehensive range of articles, photos, and videos about bats and their adaptations. Visit their website and search for "bats" or "bat adaptations" in the search bar.

2. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (website): The Smithsonian website has a section dedicated to bats, including detailed information on their flight and adaptive features. Explore their section on bats to find valuable information for your research.

3. Scientific Journals: Using online databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar, you can search for scientific papers and journals that specifically focus on adaptations and flight in bats. Look for keywords such as "bat flight," "aerial adaptation in bats," or "bat wing structure" to find relevant articles.

Remember, when conducting research, it is important to critically evaluate the information and make sure you are using credible and authoritative sources. Always cross-reference information and cite your sources properly in your paper.

Best of luck with your paper mache project on an animal adaptation!