The graph shows the height, y, in centimeters, of a plant after a certain number of weeks, x. Linda drew the line of best fit on the graph.

A graph titled Plant Height shows Number of Weeks on x axis and Height of Plant in cm on y axis. The scales on both x and y axes are shown from 0 to 5 at increments of 5. The graph shows dots at the ordered pairs 0, 2 and 1, 2.4 and 1.5, 2.7 and 2, 2.8 and 2.5, 3 and 3, 3.2 and 3.5, 3.5 and 4, 3.5 and 4.5, 3.6 and 5, 4. A straight line joins the ordered pairs 0, 2 and 5, 4

What would most likely be the approximate height of the plant after 7 weeks?

4.8 centimeters
14.4 centimeters
16.5 centimeters
19.5 centimeters

The answer is 4.8 cm

nice job


bob is cool 4.8

To find the approximate height of the plant after 7 weeks, we need to determine the equation of the line of best fit and then substitute the value of x as 7 into the equation.

The line of best fit is represented by the equation of a straight line, y = mx + b, where m is the slope (the coefficient of x) and b is the y-intercept (the value of y when x is 0).

Looking at the graph, the line of best fit joins the ordered pairs (0, 2) and (5, 4).

To find the slope (m), we use the formula: m = (change in y) / (change in x). So, (4 - 2) / (5 - 0) = 2 / 5 = 0.4.

Now, we can substitute one of the ordered pairs into the equation to find the value of b. Using the point (0, 2), the equation becomes: 2 = 0.4(0) + b. Simplifying, we find b = 2.

Therefore, the equation of the line of best fit is y = 0.4x + 2.

To find the approximate height of the plant after 7 weeks (x = 7), substitute x = 7 into the equation: y = 0.4(7) + 2. Calculating, we get y ≈ 4.8 centimeters.

So, the most likely approximate height of the plant after 7 weeks is 4.8 centimeters.

Therefore, the correct answer is: 4.8 centimeters.