(Although is underlined)

Although he had never tried it, Jeff knew he would like hot and sour soup.
a. relative pronoun
b. subordinating conjunction
c. personal pronoun
d. preposition

No, not a preposition. Prepositions introduce PHRASES, but "Although" here is introducing a clause.

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(Although is underlined)
Although he had never tried it, Jeff knew he would like hot and sour soup.
a. relative pronoun
b. subordinating conjunction
c. personal pronoun
d. preposition****

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I thought it was Proposition, my teacher said it was proposition.

In order to determine the correct answer, we need to first understand the function of the word "Although" in the sentence. "Although" introduces a subordinate clause that contrasts the main clause of the sentence. This means that it joins two clauses together and indicates a specific relationship between them.

Taking this into consideration, we can eliminate options such as personal pronoun (c) and preposition (d), as they do not accurately describe the function of "Although" in this sentence.

Now, let's consider the remaining options: relative pronoun (a) and subordinating conjunction (b). While both options can introduce subordinate clauses, the key difference lies in the type of clause they introduce. Relative pronouns typically introduce relative clauses, which provide additional information about a noun or pronoun. On the other hand, subordinating conjunctions introduce subordinating clauses, which act as a dependent clause within a complex sentence.

In the sentence "Although he had never tried it, Jeff knew he would like hot and sour soup," the subordinate clause introduced by "Although" does not provide additional information about a noun or pronoun. Instead, it sets up a contrast between the fact that Jeff had never tried the soup and his expectation of liking it. Therefore, the correct answer is (b) subordinating conjunction.