Which accurately describes how the transmission of disease impacted the indigenous people of North and South America?

European explorers transmitted the bubonic plague, decimating the native people of North and South America.

European explorers transmitted meningitis, decimating the native people of North and South America.

European explorers transmitted smallpox, decimating the native people of North and South America.

European explorers transmitted yellow fever, decimating the native people of North and South America.

I think it's c

I agree.

it's c

Well no the Europeans transmitted the smallpox to the American Indians.

Oh nvm I didn’t see what 3 was its right😅

The accurate description of how the transmission of disease impacted the indigenous people of North and South America is that European explorers transmitted smallpox, decimating the native people of North and South America.

Explanation: European explorers, such as Christopher Columbus and his crew, unintentionally brought diseases like smallpox to the Americas when they arrived. The indigenous people of the Americas had never been exposed to these diseases before, which made them highly vulnerable. Smallpox, in particular, spread rapidly among the native populations because they lacked immunity to it. Due to the lack of previous exposure, the indigenous people had no natural defenses against these newly introduced diseases, leading to devastating consequences. The transmission of diseases, especially smallpox, resulted in a significant decline in the indigenous population across both North and South America.

Its not C read your textbook instead of guessing