Jacob and Robert work at a restaurant. On Friday night, Jacob earns $12 per hour and Robert earns $7.50 per hour in addition to $15 in tips. Which graph shows the amount of money earned by Jacob and Robert?

To determine which graph shows the amount of money earned by Jacob and Robert, we need to compare their earnings.

First, let's calculate Jacob's earnings:
Jacob earns $12 per hour, so his earnings can be represented by the equation:
Jacob's earnings = $12 * Number of hours worked

Next, let's calculate Robert's earnings:
Robert earns $7.50 per hour in addition to $15 in tips. Thus, his earnings can be represented by the equation:
Robert's earnings = ($7.50 * Number of hours worked) + $15

Now, we can create a table of values for Jacob and Robert's earnings based on the number of hours worked:
Number of hours worked Jacob's earnings (in dollars) Robert's earnings (in dollars)
--------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
0 0 15
1 12 22.50
2 24 30

Now, let's see which graph represents these earnings.

Graph A: Represents $12 per hour for Jacob and $7.50 per hour plus $15 in tips for Robert.
Graph B: Represents $12 per hour for Jacob and $15 per hour plus $7.50 in tips for Robert.
Graph C: Represents $12 per hour for Jacob and $15 in tips for Robert.

Based on the calculations and the table of values, the graph that shows the correct amount of money earned by Jacob and Robert is Graph A, where Jacob's earnings increase linearly at a slope of $12 per hour and Robert's earnings increase at a slope of $7.50 per hour plus $15 in tips.

How do we know?
