Essay on winter

What? What's the prompt?

change the sentence from active voice to passive:

1. He opened the cellphone eagerly.
2.Shrinking budgets and newsrooms are hampering the news industry.

Change the following words by adding either a prefix or a suffix:

1.We are all(account) for our own actions.
2.The Teacher ticked off the (attend)list.
3.Please use your (discreet) when they discuss private matters.
4.The Politician was relieved when the allegations against him were proven to be (found).
5.Many students lose marks for writing (grammar)incorrect sentences.
6.It is believed that the bomb was planted by an (extreme)group.
7.My friend does not like parties, she is quite (social)
8.The nurse (careful)attended to the boy's injuries.

No one will do your assignments for you. However, if you post what YOU THINK, someone will check your work.

To write an essay on winter, you can follow these steps:

1. Brainstorming: Begin by jotting down all the ideas, memories, and sensations that come to mind when you think about winter. Consider the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings that are associated with this season. Think about specific experiences or moments that stand out to you.

2. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic and providing a brief overview of what you'll discuss. You can open with a general description of winter, perhaps mentioning its place in the yearly calendar or its significance in different cultures.

3. Body paragraphs: Divide your essay into several paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect of winter. Here are a few possible ideas for body paragraph topics:

a. Description of winter landscapes: Explore the beauty of winter scenery, such as snow-covered landscapes, glistening frost on trees, or frozen lakes and rivers. Use vivid language and sensory details to paint a visual picture for your readers.

b. Winter activities: Discuss the various activities associated with winter, such as skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, or building snowmen. Explain why these activities are popular during this time of year and share your personal experiences or favorite memories.

c. Cozy moments: Reflect on the comfort and coziness of winter, such as curling up by the fireplace with a book, enjoying hot cocoa or soup, or spending time with loved ones indoors. Discuss how winter can be a time for relaxation and introspection.

d. Holidays and celebrations: Explore the different holidays and celebrations that occur during winter, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, or New Year's Eve. Discuss their significance and the traditions associated with them.

e. Winter's impact on nature and wildlife: Examine how winter affects the natural world, including animals, plants, and ecosystems. Discuss the challenges faced by wildlife during this season and the adaptations they make to survive.

4. Conclusion: In your conclusion, summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and offer some final thoughts about winter. You can reflect on the overall significance of this season, its impact on people's lives, and what makes it unique.

Remember to revise and edit your essay before finalizing it. Pay attention to the structure, coherence, and clarity of your writing. Use descriptive language and engaging details to bring your essay to life and make it captivating for your readers.