Hi,i'm an ESL student right now in High School,so i got stuck in writing sentence in present and past tense,i want to say this "After a long research for a perfect profession,I have chosen of *becoming or being (which one do i use ?)* accountant.

In this sentence, instead of saying you have chosen OF anything, you must say you have chosen TO become or TO be. The verb in the sentence is "have chosen", which is neither present nor past tense. It's present perfect tense. To make it simple past tense, you must use the past tense of "choose", which is chose. "I chose to be (or become)..."



Oh ok ty very much!!!

As an ESL student, it's natural to have questions about verb tenses. In this case, you need to decide between using "becoming" or "being" in your sentence. Let's break it down to understand the difference and how to choose the correct tense.

The present continuous tense ("am/are/is + verb+ing") is used to talk about actions happening at the present moment or near future. It is often used when you have made a decision or a plan, but the action has not yet happened. For example, "I am thinking of becoming an accountant" means you are considering this career option but have not started the process yet.

On the other hand, the present simple tense is used to talk about general or permanent situations, routines, habits, or facts. For example, "I am being an accountant" implies that you are currently working as an accountant, which may not fit the context of your sentence.

Given that you mentioned you're in high school, it is more appropriate to use the present continuous tense ("becoming"). Here's how your sentence would look:

"After a long research for a perfect profession, I have chosen the path of becoming an accountant."

This sentence reflects your decision to pursue a career as an accountant in the future. Remember, when choosing verb tenses, consider the context and the time frame in which the action is happening.