Evaluate the expression:


Evaluate the expression:

39 and -44

I agree.

I tried it but and it was wrong

Which one was wrong?

To evaluate the expression 4⋅9+6−3, we can follow the order of operations, which is typically represented by the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

1. Start with any operations inside parentheses. However, there are no parentheses in this expression.

2. Proceed to evaluate any exponents. There are no exponents in this expression.

3. Move on to multiplication and division operations. The expression has a multiplication operation, 4⋅9. Multiply 4 by 9 to get 36.

4. After dealing with multiplication, tackle addition and subtraction from left to right. The expression now becomes 36+6−3.

5. Finally, perform the addition and subtraction operations in order. Add 36 and 6 to get 42. Then, subtract 3 from 42 to get the final answer:

4⋅9 + 6 − 3 = 42

Similarly, to evaluate the expression 53−122+25, we follow the same steps:

1. Start with any operations inside parentheses. There are no parentheses in this expression.

2. Proceed to evaluate any exponents. There are no exponents in this expression.

3. Move on to multiplication and division operations. There are no multiplication or division operations in this expression.

4. After dealing with multiplication and division, tackle addition and subtraction from left to right. The expression now becomes 53 - 122 + 25.

5. Finally, perform the addition and subtraction operations in order. Subtract 122 from 53 to get -69. Then, add 25 to -69 to get the final answer:

53−122+25 = -69+25 = -44