At the spring fling, john can make 5 cups of hot tea in 2 minutes. Sammy can make 6 cups of hot tea in 2.5 minutes. How long should it take them to make hot tea for all 245

john's rate = 5 cups/2 min = 2.5 cups/min

sam's rate = 6 cups/2.5 min = 2.4 cups/min
combined rate = 4.9 cups/min
so time to make 245 cups = 245/4.9 = 50 minutes

in 50 minutes, john can make 50(5/2) = 125 cups
in 50 minutes , sam can make 50(6/2.5) = 120 cups
total = 245 cups

To find out how long it would take John and Sammy to make 245 cups of hot tea, we can first calculate their individual rates of making tea.

John can make 5 cups of hot tea in 2 minutes, so his rate can be calculated as:

Rate of John = Cups made / Time taken = 5 cups / 2 minutes

Simplifying this, we get:

Rate of John = 2.5 cups/minute

Similarly, Sammy can make 6 cups of hot tea in 2.5 minutes, so his rate can be calculated as:

Rate of Sammy = Cups made / Time taken = 6 cups / 2.5 minutes

Simplifying this, we get:

Rate of Sammy = 2.4 cups/minute

Now, let's assume it takes them 't' minutes to make 245 cups of hot tea together.

John's contribution would be (t minutes x John's rate) and Sammy's contribution would be (t minutes x Sammy's rate). Adding these together should equal 245 cups of hot tea.

John's contribution: t minutes x 2.5 cups/minute
Sammy's contribution: t minutes x 2.4 cups/minute

Adding these together, we have:

t * 2.5 + t * 2.4 = 245

Simplifying this equation, we get:

4.9t = 245

To solve for 't', we divide both sides by 4.9:

t = 245 / 4.9

Calculating this, we find:

t = 50

Therefore, it would take John and Sammy 50 minutes to make 245 cups of hot tea together.