Mark wants to use a grid to model 2/3 like the grids in questions 1 and 2. Its a 100 box grid . help

What is the data in "questions 1 and 2"?

To model 2/3 using a 100-box grid, you need to understand that 2/3 represents two out of every three boxes.

1. Start by dividing the grid into three equal parts horizontally. Each part will have 100/3 = 33.33 boxes, but we can't have a fractional number of boxes, so let's say each part has 33 boxes.

2. Shade or color in the first two parts (representing the "2" in 2/3). Each shaded part will have 33 shaded boxes.

3. Since you have shaded 66 boxes out of 100, you need to draw two more boxes vertically to complete the grid.

Your final grid will have two shaded parts, each with 33 boxes, and two additional boxes. This represents 2/3 of the total 100-box grid.