Which of these were a result of the Nile River's flooding?

A. development of papermaking
B. fertile soil
C. development of surveying
D. both B and C.

I got D. Is this correct? Thanks!

Yes, you are correct. The result of the Nile River's flooding includes both B. fertile soil and C. development of surveying. The flooding of the Nile River brought nutrient-rich silt onto the floodplain, which made the soil fertile and ideal for agriculture. This allowed ancient Egyptians to grow crops successfully and sustain their civilization.

Additionally, the annual flooding of the Nile required the ancient Egyptians to develop advanced surveying techniques to accurately measure and mark the boundaries of their fields after the floodwaters receded. This was necessary to ensure fair distribution of agricultural land among farmers and prevent disputes.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. both B and C, as the Nile River's flooding led to the development of fertile soil and the development of surveying techniques.

Please re-think this.


Thank you.

You're welcome!

Actually, after submitting my test, D was, in fact, the correct answer, but that's okay. You were just trying to help!

Very good. I'm glad you got it right!