Rewrite the product as an exponent:

a to the 7th power, y to the seventh power


a^7 * y^7 = (ay)^7.

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Please help solve

You are welcome!

what is x to the power of -7 y to the power of -3

if someone can help me thx

To rewrite the product "a to the 7th power, y to the 7th power" as an exponent, we can combine the like terms. In this case, we have "a" raised to the 7th power and "y" raised to the 7th power. To write this in exponent form, we multiply the like terms and raise the result to the power of 7:

(a * y)^7

Therefore, the product "a to the 7th power, y to the 7th power" can be rewritten as "(a * y) to the 7th power", or simply (ay)^7.