I spent $24 on a present for my sister. This was three fourths of all the money I had in my wallet.

How much money did I have before I bought the present?

I need help

(3/4)x = 24

x = 24 / (3/4)

x = 24 * (4/3)

x = 96 / 3

x = 32

Thanks for explaining


You're welcome.

To find out how much money you had before buying the present, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's assume the amount of money you had before buying the present is represented by the variable "x".

We know that you spent $24, which was three-fourths of the total amount of money you had. This means:

$24 = (3/4) * x

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (3/4), which is (4/3):

$24 * (4/3) = x

$32 = x

Therefore, you had $32 before buying the present.