Alexander Hamilton favored a strong federal government because he believed it would benefit the economy. As a result of this belief, he also supported--

A. the abolishment of all tariffs
B. the establishment of a national bank
C. Increasing the agricultural activitiy
D. Imposing high taxes on factories

I'll bet if you read your text materials, the answer is there. Or, read this.

I got it it's b. Thank you I was just a little confused.

Yes, b.

To determine the answer, we need to understand Alexander Hamilton's beliefs and policies. Alexander Hamilton was a prominent figure in early American politics and is known for his belief in a strong federal government and a strong economy.

Given that Alexander Hamilton favored a strong federal government to benefit the economy, we can deduce that he would support policies that promote economic growth, stability, and regulation. In this context, the answer that aligns with his beliefs would be B. the establishment of a national bank.

Hamilton strongly advocated for the creation of a national bank, primarily through his Report on a National Bank in 1790. He believed that a national bank would provide stability to the economy, regulate currency and credit, and facilitate the development of commerce and industry. Hamilton's support for a national bank was a key factor in shaping the economic policies of the United States during its early years.