Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?

Sammy made lunch for us yesterday

I smelled the delicious fruit

I said the turkey sandwiches looked delicious----<

we want lunches from Sammy every day now!

Which of the following sentence contains an action verb?

My sister lost her computer yesterday.

Its disappearance seems strange to me

Martha feels sad about the lost computer

she becomes angry about it every few minutes ------<

1 yes

2 no

okay, would number 2 be C?

To identify the sentence that contains a linking verb, we need to understand that a linking verb connects the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective that describes or identifies the subject. In the given options, the sentence that contains a linking verb is: "I said the turkey sandwiches looked delicious."

To find the sentence that contains an action verb, we should know that an action verb is a verb that expresses a physical or mental action. The sentence that contains an action verb is: "She becomes angry about it every few minutes."

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