The distance between 2 towns on a map is 2.5 inches. The actual distance is 35 miles. What is the scale?

2.5 / 35 = 1 / x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

one inch is 35 miles / 2.5 inches = 14 miles / inch

one mile = 5280 ft/mile * 12 in/ft
= 63360 inches
14 miles = 14*63360 = 887040 inches
so 1 inch on the map is 887,040 inches on the ground

To determine the scale on a map, you need to find the ratio between the distance on the map and the actual distance. In this case, the distance on the map is given as 2.5 inches and the actual distance is 35 miles.

To find the scale, divide the actual distance by the distance on the map:

35 miles / 2.5 inches = 14 miles per inch

So the scale of the map is 1 inch represents 14 miles.