am i correct?

progressive ida tarbell is credited with
*writing a series of articles about the dangers of trusts *******
*creating blue laws
*changing childlabor laws
* writing a novel about dangerous practices in the meat packing industry
my answer:

Yes, you're right.

Thank you miss sue!

You're welcome, Shannon.

Btw -- I'm Ms. Sue.

To determine if you are correct, we can examine the accomplishments of Progressive Ida Tarbell. Ida Tarbell was indeed credited with writing a series of articles about the dangers of trusts. In the early 1900s, she wrote a groundbreaking investigative series for McClure's Magazine titled "The History of the Standard Oil Company," which exposed the unethical business practices of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil and shed light on the monopolies and trusts in the oil industry.

However, it is important to note that the other options mentioned in your answer are not attributed to Ida Tarbell. Creating blue laws, changing child labor laws, and writing a novel about dangerous practices in the meatpacking industry are not directly tied to Ida Tarbell's contributions and achievements.

Therefore, based on the accurate information available, you are partially correct regarding Ida Tarbell's credits. She is indeed credited with writing a series of articles about the dangers of trusts.