You want to paint a wall that is 8 3/4 feet high and 11 1/4 feet long. You have a can of paint that will cover 200 square feet with one coat.

A. find the area of the wall.

b. if you want to apply two coats of paint , do you have enough paint? explain

Area of wall is 8.75 x 11.25 = 98.4375 square feet. So 200 foot coverage should be easy to do.

Two coats = 2 x 98.475 = less than 200 so two coats can be applied.
Be careful with the number of significant digits. I am assuming these are EXACT numbers; therefore, I included all of the digits.

(A.) Area = length*width

(B.) See if you have enough paint to cover twice that area. (The amount of paint you have should be more than twice the area of the wall.)

A. 98 7/16ft^2 b. Yes. Two coats will take enough paint for 2*98 7/16 = 196 7/8 square feet, which is less than the 200 square feet the paint should cover

To find the area of the wall, we need to calculate the product of its height and length.

A. To find the area of the wall:
First, convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
8 3/4 = (8 * 4 + 3)/4 = 35/4
11 1/4 = (11 * 4 + 1)/4 = 45/4

Next, multiply the height and length of the wall:
Area = (35/4) * (45/4)

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together:
Area = (35 * 45) / (4 * 4) = 1575/16

So, the area of the wall is 1575/16 square feet.

B. Now, let's check if we have enough paint to apply two coats to the wall.
If one coat covers 200 square feet, two coats would require twice the area, which is 2 * 200 = 400 square feet.

Comparing this with the area of the wall (1575/16 square feet), it is clear that we have enough paint. The area of the wall is considerably less than the paint's coverage capacity.

Therefore, we have enough paint to apply two coats to the wall.