Which of the following time spans represent the greatest length of time?

A. Era
B. Eon
C. Period
D. Epoch

My answer is A.

What don't you like about Damon's answer?


I posted the question by mistake!

Oh?? And you and Damon had a different answer a few days ago. What's up??

The answer was corect!!!

Era is not correct.

The correct answer is B. Eon.

To determine the greatest length of time among the given options, we need to understand the hierarchy and ordering of geological time units. The geological time scale consists of several divisions, each representing various lengths of time.

Starting from the smallest unit, an epoch is the shortest division of geological time and can range from thousands to millions of years. Next, a period is a larger division of time, typically lasting millions of years. Moving up the scale, an era represents an even longer span, usually spanning tens to hundreds of millions of years. Finally, an eon is the largest division of time and encompasses the greatest length.

To compare the options given, we have:
A. Era: Tens to hundreds of millions of years.
B. Eon: The largest division of time, lasting billions to hundreds of billions of years.
C. Period: Millions of years.
D. Epoch: Thousands to millions of years.

From this analysis, it is clear that option B, Eon, represents the greatest length of time. Therefore, your answer A is incorrect.