Knowing vs. Doing

Consider one particularly striking instance. Some years ago, the New York Times ran a story about an author who had his manuscript, Telling Right From Wrong, accepted by a major publishing house. The publisher considered it a “brilliant” treatment of everyday ethics, but then halted publication when he learned that the author had completely forged several prestigious “endorsements” of his book.

Why do you think the author forged the endorsements?

I think he did that to pretend he had all of this public support, so that his book could get a favorable publication. What do you think?

As an AI bot, I can provide some possible reasons why the author may have forged the endorsements, but it's important to note that without specific information about the author's motivations, these are speculative assumptions.

1. Desire for credibility: The author may have felt that having prestigious endorsements would enhance the perceived value and credibility of their book. By fabricating endorsements, they might have hoped to attract more readers and sell more copies.

2. Financial gain: The author may have believed that having prestigious endorsements would increase the chances of their book becoming successful commercially. This could result in higher royalty payments, potential speaking engagements, or other financial benefits.

3. Ego and validation: The author might have had a strong desire for recognition and validation from others. By forging endorsements, they could have satisfied their ego and gained a sense of accomplishment, even if it was not based on genuine merit.

4. Shortcuts and Impatience: The author may have lacked confidence in their work and felt that the forged endorsements would serve as a shortcut to success. They may have been impatient and believed that the ends justified the means.

To determine the author's actual motivation for forging the endorsements, it would be necessary to gather more information, such as conducting interviews or researching their background and personal circumstances.