Why are map's elevation scales often given in feet and meters?


How many degrees separate the Tropic of Capricorn from the Arctic Circle?
93.5 degrees latitude???

The scale is given in both feet and meters because people in the U.S. use feet, but most other people in the world use meters.

The number of degrees is between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn is closer to 90 degrees.


Map's elevation scales are often given in feet and meters because these two units are commonly used internationally to represent vertical distances. Feet is most commonly used in the United States, while meters is the standard unit of measurement for elevations in most other countries. Including both units allows for the widest possible audience to understand and interpret the elevation information on the map. Additionally, feet and meters are easily convertible to other units if necessary.

The Tropic of Capricorn and the Arctic Circle are lines of latitude that mark the extremes of the tropical and polar zones on Earth, respectively. The Tropic of Capricorn is located at approximately 23.5 degrees south latitude, while the Arctic Circle is located at approximately 66.5 degrees north latitude.

Therefore, the number of degrees that separate the Tropic of Capricorn from the Arctic Circle is 90 + 23.5 + 66.5 = 180 degrees.