Can you check this sentence.

Each pair has a problem with a change in verb tense. Rewrite the sentences so that verbs are correct.

1. Honey never spoils. Honey from tombs of ancient Egypt still tasted good today.

answer: Honey never spoils. Honey from tombs of ancient Egypt still tastes good today.


Thanks. I wasn't sure if it should have been just 'taste'.

The subject of tastes is honey. Honey tastes good.

To check if the change in verb tense is correct, you need to analyze the sentence and identify the subject and the verb. In this case, the subject is "Honey," and the verb is "tasted."

To determine the correct verb tense, you can consider the time frame of the sentence. Since the first sentence states "Honey never spoils," it implies a general truth or a fact that is true in the present. Therefore, the verb tense should reflect the present tense.

To correct the verb tense in the second sentence, you need to change "tasted" to "tastes" to match the present tense. The revised sentence becomes: "Honey from tombs of ancient Egypt still tastes good today."

It is important to pay attention to the subject and time frame of the sentence when checking for verb tense accuracy.