Can somebody see if I did these right?

16 divided by (-2)(-4) over 2 to the third power plus 4= 16 divied by 8 over 6 + 4= 2/ 10 = 1/5.

and 4 - (-3) + 1 over 2-2 divided by
(-2) = 4+3+1 over 2-2 divided by (-2)=
8/3 = 2 2/3. Is what I got ; does my answers look right?

Let's break down the calculations for each expression to see if your answers are correct.

1. Expression: 16 divided by (-2)(-4) over 2 cubed plus 4
First, calculate (-2)(-4) as 8.
Then, divide 16 by 8 to get 2.
Next, evaluate 2 to the third power, which gives 8.
Add 4 to 8 to get 12.
Therefore, the expression simplifies to 12.

So, your answer of 1/5 for this expression is not correct. It should be 12.

2. Expression: 4 - (-3) + 1 over 2-2 divided by (-2)
Begin by simplifying the subtraction and negation inside the parentheses.
(-3) with a negative sign in front gives +3.
So, the expression becomes: 4 + 3 + 1 over 2 - 2 divided by (-2).
Proceed to simplify the addition: 4 + 3 + 1 equals 8.
Then, simplify the subtraction: 2 - 2 equals 0.
Finally, divide 0 by (-2) to get 0.
Hence, the expression simplifies to 8/0.

Your answer of 2 2/3 for this expression is not correct. It should be 8/0.

Overall, your answers are not correct for both expressions.

To verify if your answers are correct, let's break down the calculations step by step.

First, let's evaluate the expression:

16 divided by (-2) * (-4) over 2 to the third power plus 4

To simplify the expression, follow the order of operations, which is known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

1. Start with the parentheses:
No parentheses are present in the expression.

2. Evaluate the exponent:
2 to the third power is 2 * 2 * 2 = 8.

3. Perform the multiplication:
(-2) * (-4) = 8

4. Calculate the division from left to right:
16 divided by 8 = 2

5. Evaluate the addition:
2 + 4 = 6

Therefore, the result of the expression is 6.

Now, let's evaluate the second expression:

4 - (-3) + 1 over 2 - 2 divided by (-2)

Again, follow the order of operations (PEMDAS):

1. Start with the parentheses:
No parentheses are present in the expression.

2. Evaluate the subtraction:
(-3) becomes positive, so 4 - (-3) = 4 + 3 = 7.

3. Perform the addition from left to right:
7 + 1 = 8.

4. Evaluate the division:
2 - 2 = 0.

5. Perform the division:
0 divided by (-2) = 0.

Therefore, the result of the expression is 0.

Based on these calculations, it seems that your answers are not correct. The correct answers for your expressions are:
- 16 divided by (-2)(-4) over 2 to the third power plus 4 = 6.
- 4 - (-3) + 1 over 2 - 2 divided by (-2) = 0.