What is 12.37 into a mixed number

12 37/100

I am in La Veta GATE program in the 5th grade and i just learned this today fourth graders do not know this!!

To convert a decimal number into a mixed number, you need to separate the whole number part and the fractional part.

In this case, the decimal number is 12.37.

First, identify the whole number part. In 12.37, the whole number is 12.

Next, determine the fraction part. Take the decimal part and place it over the appropriate place value. In this case, the decimal part is 0.37. Since there are two decimal places, you can write it as 37/100.

Finally, combine the whole number part and the fractional part to form the mixed number. In this case, the mixed number is 12 37/100.

So, 12.37 as a mixed number is 12 37/100.

12 37/100

If you are in 4th grade and up, you should have learned this.