What was the particular time period when earth wasn't solid and why isn't it considered a part of Earth's geological history?

ms. sue pls help i have the same question


Thank you Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Nat.

The particular time period when Earth wasn't solid is known as the Hadean Eon, which lasted from about 4.6 to 4 billion years ago. During this time, Earth was still in the process of formation and was undergoing intense bombardment by asteroids and comets. The heat generated from these impacts, along with the residual heat from the planet's initial formation, kept the Earth in a molten state.

The reason the Hadean Eon is not considered a part of Earth's geological history is mainly due to the lack of preserved rocks and evidence from that time. Rocks from the Hadean period are extremely rare, primarily because the intense volcanism and tectonic activity of later periods have destroyed or recycled them.

Additionally, the constant bombardment by asteroids and comets meant that the Earth's surface was being repeatedly melted and resurfaced, further erasing any traces of this early period. As a result, there is limited geological evidence to study and analyze from the Hadean Eon, making it challenging to include it as a distinct part of Earth's geological history.

However, scientists continue to study and explore this time period through other means, such as analyzing lunar samples (since the Moon also experienced similar processes) and studying isotopic compositions of ancient minerals. These methods provide valuable insights into early Earth's formation and the conditions that existed during the Hadean Eon, even if it is not formally considered a part of Earth's geological history.